Stitch - Strawberry, marshmallow, mixed nut chocolate cluster

Paw prints- Strawberry, marshmallow, mixed nut chocolate cluster

Star shaped- Strawberry, marshmallow, mixed nut chocolate cluster

Chocolate Candy Roses made with Corn Syrup

Candy roses made out of Starbursts!!!

Chocolate Bowl with Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Peppermint candy with Chocolate and Sprinkles

Taffy Grapes (White Chocolate, Crushed Peanuts, Carmel Dipping Sauce

Chocolate Covered Oreos

Spongebob Themed Chocolate Covered Strawberries

Chocolate Fudge

Jolly Rancher Candy Suckers

Chocolate Cups with Chocolate Mousse and Chocolate Shavings

White Chocolate Oreo Candies